About Me

Who is Joel Austell? I was born in 1979 at 10:30 PM with a camera around my neck. Okay, I made that last part up. The truth is, I picked up the camera when I was 9 years old. The first picture I took was of an elephant at the San Diego Zoo. It didn't win any awards but I was hooked. As a teenager I spent all my free time skateboarding. When I wasn't landing tricks I was behind a camera capturing images of my friends trying tricks or taking nasty spills. What do I do for fun these days? I take pictures, of course. My wife is also passionate about photography and we spend many of our date nights looking for new and totally awesome places to take photographs. We never leave our cameras behind. I consider myself incredibly lucky because I am able to do what I love everyday. I never wake up and wish I didn't have to go to work. I love working with people and consider everyone I work with a friend. I owe all my success to God and thank him daily for all my blessings! I am living life and loving it with my beautiful wife and kids by my side. Life is good!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Orange County Wedding Photography - Darryl + Megan engagement session

Megan and Darryl are a great couple. I had so much fun shooting their engagement session, and I am looking forward to their upcoming wedding in my hometown of Yorba Linda.

Megan and Darelly-0060
Megan and Darelly-0082
Megan and Darelly-0170
Megan and Darelly-0204
Megan and Darelly-0239
Megan and Darelly-0277
Megan and Darelly-0314
Megan and Darelly-0366
Megan and Darelly-0423
Megan and Darelly-0436


Oz Wroe said...

Dude you are the man, great work as always! I'm so grateful that you are so open to sharing your talent.

Unknown said...

I loveee that tree shot! seriously, stop being so talented, it's not fair to the rest of us! ;P

John W said...

Nice photos I love that gnarly tree, and the shots on the beach. Good stuff.