About Me

Who is Joel Austell? I was born in 1979 at 10:30 PM with a camera around my neck. Okay, I made that last part up. The truth is, I picked up the camera when I was 9 years old. The first picture I took was of an elephant at the San Diego Zoo. It didn't win any awards but I was hooked. As a teenager I spent all my free time skateboarding. When I wasn't landing tricks I was behind a camera capturing images of my friends trying tricks or taking nasty spills. What do I do for fun these days? I take pictures, of course. My wife is also passionate about photography and we spend many of our date nights looking for new and totally awesome places to take photographs. We never leave our cameras behind. I consider myself incredibly lucky because I am able to do what I love everyday. I never wake up and wish I didn't have to go to work. I love working with people and consider everyone I work with a friend. I owe all my success to God and thank him daily for all my blessings! I am living life and loving it with my beautiful wife and kids by my side. Life is good!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Newport Beach Photography | The Payton's | Family Photographs

The Payton's hold a special place in my heart. I have know Shawn for about half my life and we have shared many life changing events together. It is always awesome to get him and his family in front of the lens.
Payton family-0079
Payton family-0113
Payton family-0113
Payton family-0152
Payton family-0192
Payton family-0199
Payton family-0232
Payton family-0257

1 comment:

kobe said...

happy family, and the boy is handsomedestination wedding dresses